The WOWBUDD™ is an interactive flat panel by WOWBii Interactive. It supports operations in both the education and business space. The WOWBUDD™ is built specifically for local companies and institutions in mind and the rest of the African continent.
Transform the way you work with rich, features that address mission-critical needs and enhance in-person collaboration.
The BUDDRoom™ is a business bundle of in-room and remote communication and collaboration experiences that increases productivity across all organizational levels and locations. It redefines workspaces, allowing attendees to meaningfully interact in ways not possible with traditional meeting rooms.
Learning in a connected world encourages social media sharing and game-based learning, blurring work-play lines and stimulating creativity.
The WOWBii BUDDZone™ is a learning area offering education itinerary designed to enable Educators use technology resources to drive interactive learning. It transforms classrooms by supporting new and dynamic ways to develop, present and share content in real-time, creating an ecosystem that truly reflects 21st Century education.